Springtime at the Farm
Hi all! It has been a really long time! (blame it on facebook) But I miss my family blog and have decided to post here instead of there for all our faithful followers :) So thanks for checkin' back in :)
I am so enjoying our home. With a little help from Cagliero Ranch, Bumper's Crop, rich soil, rain from our good Lord, and an garden area right outside our door (so I don't forget to water)...I have started a garden! So far so good. The goats haven't gotten loose to eat it all and everything still seems to still be green...so we are good.
For those of you that haven't heard, we have a new addition to our farm...Honey, the sweetest pony in the world. She is a lover. She's a fluffy ole thing. Joey and I love to go out to her corral after the kids are in bed to talk to and brush her. SERIOUS mounds of white fluff.
Thanks for checkin' in and we'll just see about my gettin' it in gear here and posting more :)

I am so enjoying our home. With a little help from Cagliero Ranch, Bumper's Crop, rich soil, rain from our good Lord, and an garden area right outside our door (so I don't forget to water)...I have started a garden! So far so good. The goats haven't gotten loose to eat it all and everything still seems to still be green...so we are good.
For those of you that haven't heard, we have a new addition to our farm...Honey, the sweetest pony in the world. She is a lover. She's a fluffy ole thing. Joey and I love to go out to her corral after the kids are in bed to talk to and brush her. SERIOUS mounds of white fluff.
Thanks for checkin' in and we'll just see about my gettin' it in gear here and posting more :)
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